Use Educational Crossword Puzzles During Class

Educational crossword puzzles can make learning interesting and help your students retain facts. If you tend to allow your students to work in small groups at least once each week, reserve this time slot for using puzzles as a learning tool. After the children have completed a crossword, go over the answers collectively.

Books, Sheets, And Board Puzzles

Review books that contain a series of puzzles or browse through individual puzzle sheets. Purchase materials that are closely related to the topics that you you're teaching. Some puzzle sets may contain topics that have themes and you can use a puzzle for each chapter that you introduce during class.

If you want to use a unique puzzle type that will not require the passing out of materials, purchase some large board puzzles. You can secure puzzles that are setup on a foam or card stock surface to an easel or wall and your students can look at the clues and write down the answers on a piece of notebook paper. With a large puzzle product like this, you can reuse the crosswords each year, since nobody will be writing directly on the materials that have the clues printed on.

Reviews And Study Sheets

After each crossword session, review the answers with your class. Call on your students and request that they answer the clues or request that the students volunteer to come up to the dry erase board or chalkboard and write down the answer for specific clues.

Change the groups during subsequent crossword sessions, so that the students will have the opportunity to work with many of their peers. Purchase some laminating sheets that contain adhesive and pass out these supplies to your students. Request that the pupils use the sheets to cover the front and backside of each puzzle sheet.

Before laminating the crosswords, instruct your students to review their sheets, to ensure that they have answered each clue in entirety. Your students can use highlighters to accent the answer to each clue or to emphasize the descriptions that are part of each clue.

After all of the sheets get laminated, tell your students to place them inside of a folder or their desks. Use these sheets for classroom study sessions, on the day before you are going to assign a quiz or a test that relates to the material that is on a specific crossword sheet. Learn more about using education crossword puzzles for kids in your classroom today. 
